Perinatal Mental Health Pharmacology

Webinar 60 mins CPD 80% required to pass

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Presenter Biography

Dr Ken Hodson is a consultant obstetrician with a specialist interest in maternal medicine at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle upon Tyne.  


This masterclass webinar lasts approximately 60 minutes and covers:

  • Why perinatal mental health is important.
    • EMBRACE and maternal death from suicide.
    • Depression - focusing on postnatal depression.
    • Anxiety.
    • Bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia.
  • Treatments used - their safety profile and recommendations for pregnancy AND breastfeeding:
    • SSRIs.
    • Tricyclic antidepressants.
    • Antipsychotics.
    • Lithium.
    • Mood stabilizing drugs.
  • Illicit drugs and alcohol.
  • Non-pharmacological treatments such as counselling and talking therapies.
  • Perinatal Mental Health services.
  • What to do if you are concerned regarding the mental health of a pregnant/recently pregnant woman.
  • Signposting and where to go for advice.

Topics covered

Pregnancy and Teratology

Date created


Last revision
